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This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

Here's how you can add an image:

Here's how to make a list:

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

Why You Should Use A VPN

VPNs are useful because they protect you and your information from being exposed to people who want to to do harm with it. VPNs allow users to hide or change the location that they are using the internet. Only around 15 percent of people on mobile and dekstop use a VPN and the threat of cyber security continues to increase with the progression of technology like complex things such as the BlockChain. VPNs are also proven to help people from government agencies and private agencies from extracting and stealing information from users. According to Norton (A tech and cyber security comapny):

"VPNs use encryption to scramble data when it's sent over a Wi-Fi network. Encryption makes the data unreadable. Data security is especially important when using a public Wi-Fi network, because it prevents anyone else on the network from eavesdropping on your internet activity"

Public WiFi is a higher risk than using private WiFi from your own home or a friends house because people could be using it to streal data. Using a VPN encrypts your data that is sent using WiFi and makes it completely uncomprehsable to someone or something (sometimes bots are programmed to steal data too) trying to do harm through a public ISP (Internet Service Provider)